Library materials may be checked out for one week. All books must be returned before the last week of school. Students are not permitted to check-out additional books until their previously checked-out books have been returned. Lost books and books checked out for more than three weeks are subject to a replacement fee.
Nahunta Hall welcomes donations of books and suggestions for new purchases. Please speak with our literacy specialist or the front office for additional information.

Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are a special occasion. In primary and lower school classrooms, children will take a “walk around the sun” for each year the child is old.
Out of respect for other students’ health considerations, religious beliefs and personal lifestyle choices, parents are asked to not bring treats for a student’s birthday. Parents are also discouraged from bringing party favors for class members.
In lieu of birthday treats or toys, we encourage families to celebrate a child’s birthday by donating a favorite book (new or used) to our school library. Parents are invited to join the child’s class near their birthday to read the favorite book prior to placement in the library. (If your child has too many favorites or you just can’t choose, consider selecting a book from the Nahunta Hall library “wish list.”) You can also celebrate half-birthdays if your student’s birthday is in the summer. Books do not have to be new. We encourage recycling and reusing materials, so you can buy new books or find them used at a yard sale, the DI/Goodwill or even in Grandma’s attic. Inside the front cover, please write “This book donated to Nahunta Hall in honor of [Child’s Name]’s [child’s age]th birthday.”
Field Trips
During The course of the school year, your child may have the opportunity to participate in various field trips. Field trips provide a means of extending the learning environment beyond the classroom walls. A signed field trip permission form must be on file with the school. Parents will be given prior notice for all field trips.
Nahunta Hall students traveling away from school for school-related functions are subject to the same rules, regulations, and appropriate behavior as when on the school’s campus.
After recess, primary and lower school classes eat lunch with their classmates and a faculty member (or parent volunteer) either in the classroom or on the learning porch. Lunch times are a way for children to apply the grace and courtesy lessons and practical life skills they are learning in the classroom. Children must demonstrate politeness during lunch including using an “indoor” voice and waiting their turn, and they must clean their eating space when finished.
Upper school students eat lunch in the commons area and are also expected to behave with politeness and courtesy and to clean their eating spaces when finished.
Students may not sell, trade or share their lunches, any component of their lunches or other food items brought from home regardless of whether the items were homemade or pre-packaged.
When packing home lunches, parents are asked to follow our nutritious food and drink guidelines:
- Eat a balanced meal by selecting something from at least three of the five food groups:
- Whole grain breads, crackers or pastas
- Fresh fruits such as apples, bananas, cherries and cantaloupe
- Fresh vegetables including jicama, broccoli, snap peas and cucumbers
- Lean proteins like eggs, fish, nuts or beans
- Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese)
- Drink almond milk, 100% fruit juice, water, organic milk.
- Avoid sugary foods, processed items, high fat snacks, sodas and “punch” drinks.
- Use reusable, recyclable or compostable containers for your food and drinks.
- Pack your lunch in a reusable container (no paper lunch sacks).
- Bring a clean cloth napkin to wipe your hands and face.
Food in the Classroom
Because of health department regulations and allergy concerns, homemade treats are not allowed at school activities. Out of respect for other students’ health considerations, religious beliefs and personal lifestyle choices, parents are asked to not bring treats for a student’s birthday.
In alignment with the school’s health and wellness policy, teachers may not use food items, including candy, as a reward or punishment.
Students are allowed to chew gum but are expected to dispose of it properly.
Food and drink must be consumed in the designated areas inside the classrooms and students and staff should clean up after themselves. Food may be part of specific learning activities and parents should clearly indicate any personal allergies or religious restrictions regarding food on the student intake sheet.
Other Food Sales on Campus
This policy applies to all foods sold anywhere on school grounds during the school day when school is in session or during school sponsored events in all areas of the school accessible to students.
Vending Machines
Food and beverage vending machines will not be available for student use. Vending machines selling other products may be made available at the discretion of the Administration.
Vending machines may be available in the teacher lounge. Diet sodas, candy and other snack food items not meeting the nutritional requirements for student foods may be sold in these machines, but should not be taken into the classrooms.
Field Trips
Nahunta Hall prohibits parents, teachers, or volunteers from purchasing or providing food for children that are not their own while on field trips.
Students who have brought discretionary money with them on field trips will be allowed to purchase their own snacks and beverages, however, Nahunta Hall discourages parents from sending money with students and cannot be responsible for lost or stolen funds.
All food purchased on field trips must be eaten on the field trip. Food and beverage consumption will be prohibited in the buses. No open beverages will be allowed on the buses. An exception can be made for water at the discretion of the Administration on a case by case basis.
Food may be sold during fundraisers. All revenue producing activities at Nahunta Hall, including fundraising projects, must support the school vision and educational philosophy. Each project must be individually approved and should provide students with opportunities to apply the academic skills they learn at school in real-life situations.
Proposals for fundraising projects should include a detailed plan that answers the following questions:
- For what purpose do we need additional funds?
- How much revenue do we intend to generate?
- How does this fundraiser align with our school’s mission statement and educational beliefs?
Special Events
Food may be sold at special events at the discretion of the Administration. Each event must be individually approved.
Food Marketing In School
School-based marketing will be consistent with nutrition education and health promotion. As such, Nahunta Hall will limit food and beverage marketing to the promotion of foods and beverages that meet the nutrition standards for meals or for foods and beverages sold individually. School-based marketing of brands promoting predominantly low-nutrition foods and beverages is discouraged. The promotion of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products is encouraged.
Examples of marketing might include the following: logos and brand names on/in vending machines, books or curricula, textbook covers, school supplies, scoreboards, school structures, and sports equipment; educational incentive programs that provide food as a reward; programs that provide schools with supplies when families buy low-nutrition food products; in-school television, such as Channel One; and free samples or coupons. Marketing activities that promote healthful behaviors (and are therefore allowable) include but are not limited to: vending machine covers promoting water; pricing structures that promote healthy options in a la carte lines or vending machines; and coupons for discount gym memberships.
Social Networking and Electronic Media
All social networking activities (e.g., class blogs, message boards, wikis, etc.), online activities that require a student to set up an individual account, and online displays of student created work (web pages, galleries, YouTube channels, etc.) must be pre-approved by the Administration.
Students are provided with monitored school email access to facilitate communication with teachers and other students.
Electronic media used in Nahunta Hall classrooms, including videos and music, must be pre-approved by the Administration. Individual websites accessed in the classroom do not require pre-approval but teachers should frequently monitor student internet access and report inappropriate websites or links that are not automatically blocked by the school’s internet filter system.
Personal Electronic Devices
“Electronic device” means a device that is used for audio, video, or text communication or any other type of computer or computer-like instrument whether owned by a student or employee, or owned, provided, issued or lent by Nahunta Hall to a student or employee.
Students and employees are personally responsible for devices assigned or provided to them by Nahunta Hall, both for loss or damage of devices and use of devices consistent with Nahunta Hall policies.
This acceptable use policy applies to all Nahunta Hall-owned devices, wherever the devices are used.
Students and employees may bring electronic devices from home that are intended to enhance the learning experience (cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc.) However, Nahunta Hall is not responsible for personal electronic devices that are lost, damaged, or stolen on school property or at school-sponsored events.
This acceptable use policy applies to student, employee and guest owned devices while on school premises or at school-sponsored activities.
Guidelines for Acceptable Use
- Nahunta Hall students, employees, and guests are prohibited from accessing inappropriate matter (i.e., pornographic or pirated materials) using electronic devices.
- Nahunta Hall students, employees, and guests are prohibited from using electronic devices for unauthorized audio recordings, captured images, and transmissions of recordings or images, that are invasions of reasonable expectations of student and employee privacy (e.g., images taken in restrooms or locker rooms, secret recordings of confidential discussions, etc.)
- Nahunta Hall students and employees are prohibited from using electronic devices in ways that bully, humiliate, harass, or intimidate school-related individuals, including students, employees, and guests.
- Nahunta Hall students and employees are prohibited from using electronic devices for the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal student information.
- Nahunta Hall students and employees are prohibited from using electronic devices for unlawful activities (i.e., hacking, pirating).
Consequences for Misuse of Electronic Devices
- Violation of acceptable use policies may result in restriction or revocation of privileges related to the use of school-owned devices . There may be additional administrative and/or criminal penalties for misuse of electronic devices. Local law enforcement officers may be notified if school employees believe that a student, employee, or guest has misused an electronic device on school premises in violation of the law.
- Violation of acceptable use policies may result in the confiscation of personal devices. There may be additional administrative and/or criminal penalties for misuse of electronic devices. Local law enforcement officers may be notified if school employees believe that a student, employee, or guest has misused an electronic device on school premises in violation of the law.
- Violation of acceptable use policies may result in expulsion from school if privately-owned electronic devices are used off-campus to bully or harass students or employees resulting in disruption at school or school-sponsored activities. Local law enforcement officers may be notified.
Grievance Procedure
When parents or students have a concern about something occurring in the classroom, Nahunta Hall encourages them to speak first with the classroom teacher. If the situation is not resolved by the teacher, if there is an ongoing problem or if there is an urgency to the issue, parents and students may also speak with the Administration.
Communication with Parents
Parents receive frequent progress reports on their child detailing activities the child has completed, concepts they have learned or mastered and projects in which they are participating. Whenever possible, samples of the child’s work will also be included for reference however, unlike children at a traditional school, our students will produce few (if any) worksheets or assembly-line art projects to bring home.
Parents who have questions or concerns can email the Director or call the front office to arrange a phone discussion or an in-person appointment. Teachers can also be reached by phone or email.
During school hours, all visitors must check in at the front office where they will receive a visitor badge. The visitor badge must be worn at all times. Visitors may be required to be accompanied by a school representative depending on the reason for the visit. Visitors shall only be admitted to the school at the discretion of the Administration.
Parent Service Hours
Parental involvement is a critical part of the Nahunta Hall philosophy. Parents of Nahunta Hall students agree to provide volunteer hours to the school each year. This extraordinary service makes it possible for our students to have an outstanding educational experience. Volunteer opportunities include on-campus and off-campus activities. Current opportunities for service hours are available in the front office, on our website or through the Nahunta Hall Parent Group.
The following guidelines ensure that volunteer service is positive, safe and effective for our students:
- Volunteers must sign in and out at the front office to get a volunteer badge. Volunteers will be asked to leave their car keys as a deposit for the ID badge. The car keys will be returned once the ID badge is returned. The badge must be worn during the time you are in the building volunteering. Adults not displaying the proper ID will be escorted to the front office immediately. Volunteer badges must be returned after each visit.
- Volunteers donating more than 5 hours a week at the school and volunteers serving in certain positions must pass a fingerprint and background check. Fingerprinting and background check costs must be paid by the volunteer.
- Volunteers work only under the direct supervision of an authorized school employee and must have a purpose for being in the building such as volunteering in the reading room or volunteering in the lunchroom. Volunteers should note this purpose at the time of sign-in.
- Volunteers may not use school equipment, including but not limited to, copy machines, snow blowers, floor cleaning machines, ladders, scissor lifts, fax machines and staff computers.
- Volunteers must stay out of the restricted areas of the building including the staff lounge, student restrooms, the teacher supply room, student locker rooms, etc.
- Volunteers are asked to help establish an atmosphere conducive to learning by adhering to the same dress guidelines as employees. Please limit the use of cologne or perfume. All classroom volunteers are invited to participate in themed spirit days (such as the Pioneer Trek and Renaissance Fair) by wearing appropriate costuming or accessories. Headwear worn inside the building is generally considered inappropriate except for medical and religious reasons or to honor an individual’s cultural tradition. Clothing choices that disrupt the learning process are not allowed. Such clothing might include, but is not limited to, clothing that is revealing; promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or the use of controlled substances; depicts violence; is of a sexual nature; or displays potentially offensive words, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans.
- As a matter of professional ethics and personal privacy, volunteers do not discuss teacher, student or school affairs with other people. It is extremely important that confidentiality be upheld at all times. Administrators have the same expectations of confidentiality from volunteers as they do from the Nahunta Hall staff.
- For your own protection, avoid being alone with one or two students. If this is unavoidable, be sure and keep the door open or move to a hallway to work.
- If you are scheduled to work in the classroom with students, bringing young children is discouraged as they may become a distraction in the classroom. If you are coming to a meeting or a group work activity, bringing younger siblings may be acceptable.
Students may walk to and from school as well as to and from school-sponsored events and activities. Nahunta Hall recommends that students walk in small groups or with an adult present but never alone. Students should follow safety rules.
Students may ride bicycles to and from school as well as to and from school-sponsored events and activities. Students should follow safety rules. Bicycles must be stored on a bike rack and a bicycle lock is recommended. Nahunta Hall is not responsible for bicycles that are lost, damaged, or stolen on school property or at school-sponsored events or activities.
Carpooling reduces the traffic load on school property and supports the our philosophy of protecting the Earth. Nahunta Hall does not assign nor coordinate carpool groups. Families who wish to carpool may indicate on the enrollment information that they are willing to have their name, neighborhood and contact information shared with other interested families.
Field Trips
Some field trips require transportation via school bus. Student expectations of behavior as well as safety protocols will be reviewed with students prior to each trip.
During transportation to a field trip in a private vehicle, each student will be required to wear a seat belt. Utah law requires that a child under the age of 8 must use an approved booster seat, unless they are at least 57 inches tall.
Parent drivers are required to present their driver license and proof of insurance to the front office prior to the field trip. Parents are asked to refrain from showing in-vehicle movies or talking on cell phones while serving as drivers for school field trips.
In the event of a vehicular accident during transportation to a field trip, drivers and chaperones should follow these procedures:
- Remain calm and convey a sense of calm and comfort to the students and others involved.
- Assess passengers for injuries.
- Call 911 immediately.
- Call the school; Do not call parents or other chaperones. Nahunta Hall will make appropriate notifications. Focus on the children, others involved in the accident and any law enforcement personnel on site.
- Remain at the scene until authorities dismiss you.
- Stay in contact with the school.
Please park only in designated parking stalls. Vehicles should never be left unattended during carpool unless they are parked in a designated parking space. Under NO circumstances should unattended vehicles be left with the engine running (with or without children in the vehicle).
Student Drivers
Student drivers must follow the current driving and parking agreement regulations developed in cooperation with Lindon City.
Any fundraising activities conducted by school clubs, classes, the Nahunta Hall Parent Group or any other individuals and entities claiming endorsement by Nahunta Hall must have prior approval from the Administration.
Lockers and Cubbies
Student lockers and cubbies are considered school property. The Administration may search lockers and cubbies if
(a) the search is part of a scheduled locker inspection or maintenance,
(b) the Administration reasonably believes that conditions or circumstances exist that may threaten the health or safety of those in the school, or
(c) the Administration provided reasonable prior notice to the student’s parent/guardian of the search and has reasonable cause to believe that the locker contains items that violate the school rules or any applicable law.
The Administration should provide students prior verbal or written notice of scheduled locker inspection or maintenance. The Administration must notify the police if criminal activity is discovered during the search.
The school or its personnel are not responsible for any lost or stolen items from school lockers and cubbies. Students are strongly advised not to leave money or other valuable items in lockers and cubbies.
Backpacks, equipment, and other personal effects may not be left in the hallway adjacent to student lockers and cubbies or in any other public areas of the building. Personal items left in public areas will be collected by faculty or staff and placed in lost-and-found or in the front office.
No items of any kind may be affixed to the outside of lockers and cubbies. Students may not use any form of adhesive (including but not limited to tape, glue, putties, “plastic-tack”, gum, etc.) on the inside or outside of lockers and cubbies. Students should only use magnets to affix items to the inside of their lockers and cubbies.
Firearms at School
Utah Code Annotated § 76‐10-505.5 prohibits the possession of a dangerous weapon, firearm, or sawed‐off shotgun on or about school premises.
A “dangerous weapon” is defined as an item that is intended to cause death or serious bodily injury. Knives or other objects not commonly known as dangerous weapons may be considered dangerous weapons depending on the circumstances. A “firearm” is defined as a pistol, revolver, shotgun, short barrel rifle, or any device that acts like a gun in that a projectile is expelled by action of an explosive.
However, this does not apply if:
- The person has a concealed firearm permit, either temporary or permanent (only a firearm is allowed—a dangerous weapon or a sawed‐off shotgun is not allowed); or
- The person is a United States marshal, a federal official required to carry a firearm, a peace officer, or a judge; or
- The item is present to be used in connection with a lawful, approved activity, and
- is in the possession or under the control of the person responsible for its possession or use; or
- the item is in the person’s vehicle and the vehicle is under the person’s control.
Criminal Trespass upon School Property
Nahunta Hall may press charges for criminal trespass if a person does one of the following:
1. Enters unlawfully or remains unlawfully upon school property, and:
a. Intends to cause annoyance or injury to a person or damage to property on the school property; or
b. Intends to commit a crime; or
c. Is reckless as to whether the person’s presence will cause fear for the safety of another.
2. Enters without authorization or remains without authorization upon school property if notice against entry or remaining upon school property has been given by:
a. Personal communication to the person by a school official or an individual with apparent authority to act for a school official; or
b. The posting of signs reasonably likely to come to the attention of trespassers; or
c. Fencing or other enclosure obviously designed to exclude trespassers; or
d. A current order of suspension or expulsion.
“School property” means real property owned, leased, or occupied by Nahunta Hall, including real property temporarily occupied for a school activity or program.
Lost and Found
Students are encouraged to leave all valuables at home. Nahunta Hall cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
The lost and found box is located in the front office. Small valuables will be held at the front desk. Unclaimed items will be periodically donated without notice.
Animals at School

Nahunta Hall classrooms feature fish, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals and insects as part of the curricular program. Birds and large mammals may also be included as part of outdoor learning experiences. Out of respect for the nature world and to demonstrate kindness to the animals we keep in our classrooms, we do our best to provide each animal with an environment that is close to the animal’s real-life habitat. Having classroom animals does not replace nature excursions but we believe that carefully prepared indoor animal environments enrich a child’s understanding of the world around them—one of the primary components of our program.
Due to local health requirements, children are not allowed to handle reptiles or amphibians, including classroom turtles, snakes, frogs. Employee and student pets (dogs, birds, cats, lizards, rabbits, etc.) are not allowed at school. Animals participating in therapy programs must have prior clearance from the Administration.