Utah Compulsory Education Law directs parents and guardians to enroll and send school-age minors to a public or regularly established private school during the school year. Regular attendance at school increases the opportunities for students to profit from educational instruction and benefits students’ academic learning. Frequent absences disrupt the instructional and learning process.
The Administration will make Earnest and Persistent Effort (EPE) to cooperate with parents and guardians to ensure regular school attendance. Students are expected to attend class, on time, every school day, unless properly excused by a parent or guardian. Teachers will record accurate daily attendance for all students assigned to their classes. Electronic roll books are the official attendance records of Nahunta Hall.
Nahunta Hall is a closed campus. Students may not leave the premises without permission while school in session. Parents or guardians may authorize students to go home for lunch with an annual written release.
School Hours of Operations
Classes start at 8:30 am and students are dismissed at 3:30 pm. Extended hours care for Primary and Junior Elementary students is available on a limited basis beginning at 7:30 am and ending at 5:30 pm.
For the protection of our students, the front doors are locked once school begins. Students arriving after classes have started must check-in through the front office. All elementary students who are more than 15 minutes late must be checked in by a parent or guardian.

Drop-Off Procedures
Primary Students
Each family is assigned a drop-off window. Requests for a specific assignment of arrival time will be considered based on carpool groups and family work schedules.
All primary students must be signed in by a parent or authorized individual. Families who arrive on time may use the designated drop-off zone. They should pull through to the first open spot closest to the east walkway and a staff member will meet the family at their car. Children should enter and exit the car from the side nearest the curb or walkway.
Parents may also park their car in a designated parking spot (not in the drop-off zone) and accompany their child to the front office. (Cars may not be left running in the parking lot and younger siblings must never be left unattended in the car.) School staff will greet each child as he or she arrives.
If a parent wishes to accompany their child to the classroom, they must sign in as a visitor and wear a visitor badge. Parents who wish to conference with a teacher should schedule an appointment for a time other than during drop-off or pick-up.
Individuals other than a parent or guardian may only sign in a primary student if written permission is on file and the individual presents photo identification or is personally known by the front office staff. A sibling enrolled in the lower or upper school may be designated as an authorized individual.
Elementary Students
Each family is assigned a five minute drop-off window. Requests for a specific assignment of arrival time will be considered based on carpool groups and family work schedules.
Children must only be dropped off in the designated zone should enter and exit the car from the side nearest the curb or walkway. Drivers should pull all the way through to the first open spot closest to the east walkway. Children should proceed immediately to class upon arrival where the teacher or assistant teacher will be waiting.
Student safety is a priority and families who do not follow drop-off and pick-up procedures may face termination of their enrollment at Nahunta Hall.
Pick -Up Procedures
Primary Students
Each family is assigned a five minute pick-up window. Requests for a specific assignment of pick-up time will be considered based on carpool groups and family work schedules.
All primary students must be signed out by a parent or authorized individual. Families who arrive on time may use the designated pick-up zone. They should pull through to the first open spot closest to the east walkway and a staff member will bring the child to meet the family at their car. Children should enter and exit the car from the side nearest the curb or walkway.
Parents may also park their car in a designated parking spot (not in the pick-up zone) and sign their child out in the front office. (Cars may not be left running in the parking lot and younger siblings must never be left unattended in the car.) Individuals other than a parent or guardian may only sign out a primary student if written permission is on file and the individual presents photo identification or is personally known by the front office staff. A sibling enrolled in the lower or upper school may be designated as an authorized individual.
Families who arrive late to pick up a primary student must park their car in a designated parking spot and sign their child out in the front office.
Elementary Students
Each family is assigned a five minute arrival window. Requests for a specific assignment of pick-up time will be considered based on carpool groups and family work schedules.
For safety, students may only exit through the front doors and must be picked up in the designated zone. Drivers should pull through to the first open spot closest to the east walkway. Our pick-up lane is a no idle zone and parents should turn off their car while they wait for their child. Children should enter and exit the car from the side nearest the curb.
Student safety is a priority and families who do not follow drop-off and pick-up procedures may face termination of their enrollment at Nahunta Hall.
Absences and Truancy
If a student will not be attending day of school for any reason, parents should contact the front office via text or email to excuse the absence and make arrangements for supplemental learning activities for an extended absence, if desired. Excuses for absences typically include an illness, a family death, an approved school activity and family vacations. For the safety of the student, Nahunta Hall will attempt to contact a parent or guardian the morning of an unexcused student absence.
Excessive absences can affect the educational growth of a student and students who accumulate multiple absences may be required to meet with the Administration.
Check-Out During School Hours
If it is necessary to check a student out during school hours, students can be checked-out by visiting the front desk. Primary and lower school students will only be released to parents, guardians or those individuals listed on the student information sheet. Upper school students may check themselves out of school with parental permission. Students may not be checked-out of school between 3:00 and 3:30 pm (or 11:00 and 11:30 am for half-day students).
Snow Days
When inclement weather requires school closure or schedule modification, an all-school emergency notification will be sent before 7:30 a.m. School closures will also be announced via radio as appropriate.