Social Studies
Our social studies program focuses on four components: history, geography, political science (civics and government) and social studies (sociology, culture and economics). As in other subjects, literature plays an important role as students read about history and develop the technical writing skills that apply to the social sciences.

History classes are taught using primary source documents. Primary sources include documents such as the Bill of Rights, census records, personal letters home from soldiers, journal entries of immigrants, the Mayflower Compact, and other first-hand historical records. Activities in the classroom center around these records to keep our history program relevant and accurate. Students at every grade level study Utah history and U.S. history.
In geography, they learn basic skills such as map reading then move into studying more complex topics such as how the natural environment influenced the settlement and development of specific geographic areas.
Children learn about citizenship and community responsibility by studying current events and through school-wide service projects.
Students study individual and group social structures. They learn about family and community relationships, humanities and world cultures. They study local perspectives in order to create global connections and an understanding of the interconnectedness of science, technology and economics.